The Floor is Hers... An Open Mic for Women Only on December 3rd at Nazra

The Floor is Hers... An Open Mic for Women Only on December 3rd at Nazra


2 Dec 2014

As part of "Qanun Nashaz" campaign launched by Nazra for Feminist Studies and the Center For Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA) for the Elimination of Legalized Violence against Women, "The Floor is Hers" event will be held a 6:30 pm on December 3rd, at the headquarters of Nazra for Feminist Studies. "The Floor is Hers" is an open mic for women only, where participants can share their views/stories/experiences/thoughts, whether related to forms of violence suffered by Women in both public and private spheres, how to stand up to such violence, or even matters which are not directly relevant to the issue of violence but at the same time reflect the challenges they face and their dreams as Women. Having such an open space is of paramount importance to women who, despite regularly suffering violent abuses, face myriad social restrictions which prevent them from even talking about such abuses. 

Participants may use whatever means they deem appropriate for conveying their thoughts and messages: speaking, singing, playing music, or employing any other means of expression.


Event Link:


Address: 14 Al-Saraya Al-Kobra St. (formerly Fou'ad Serag Al-Deen), 4th floor, Garden City, Cairo.
